Ep. 34: Understanding the Masculine & Feminine in Relationships

Hey babe!

Today I have a very special episode for you.

In this episode, I share an in depth look at masculine & feminine energy and how these energies rule our relationships. We go beyond most explanations of how these energies work, as we explore the deeper spiritual context behind the masculine & feminine.

I want to show you how you can cultivate both your masculine & feminine energies as it relates to romantic partnership, so you can show up feeling more balanced and authentically expressed. 

Many high powered women (and people in general) feel disconnected from their feminine energy...this was my story for years! But what I’ve found in my personal development journey and after coaching dozens of powerful women, is that we long to know our feminine aspects...and when we do, we feel all the more connected to our pleasure, joy, flow, and intuition.  

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • How to cultivate masculine and feminine energy in romantic relationships

  • How to create safety so our natural feminine aspects can shine

  • Creating balance between these two energies so we don’t fall into the shadow aspects of masculine and feminine

  • How to create safety within ourselves so you can show up authentically in relationships

  • What it’s like to learn alongside other badass women ready to step into their power and create Power Couple Partnerships ;)


FREE Mini Workshop for successful single women who are ready to start attracting committed masculine men: http://alignedattraction.com/workshop


To learn more about Lee Noto & her work:

Website: https://leenoto.com

Free Masterclass: https://www.becomethehighpriestessworkshop.com

Facebook: Lee Noto Coach

Instagram: @LeeNoto_

LinkedIn: Lee Noto

YouTube: Lee Noto


Ep. 35: Self Touch Meditation


Ep. 33 How I Reclaimed My Sexual Energy