Ep. 57: You’re not attracted to him, but keep dating him

You’re dating a man (or men)...

  • Who seem great on paper, but there’s no ‘chemistry’

  • Who’s a ‘nice guy,’ but there’s no spark or depth

  • You don’t vibe with sexually or emotionally 

  • Who are kinda ‘meh’ (and you’re definitely not TURNED ON)

In this episode, I share: 

  • The hidden reasons why you’re attracting this kind of man (and what your ego has to do with it)

  • What this man provides you that keeps you sticking around (even though you’re not attracted to him)

  • The subconscious beliefs you’d need to shift to start attracting men that you’re actually in love with 


If you’re ready to start attracting committed men who are head over heels for, then watch the FREE Aligned Attraction Workshop now:  www.AlignedAttraction.com/workshop 


To learn more about Lee Noto & her work:

Website: https://leenoto.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leenoto_/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeeNotoCoach/

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3bPGFvc

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-noto-884959a/


Ep. 58: Why you attract needy, insecure men


Ep. 56: No More Mr. Nice Guy – Why you attract controlling, misogynistic, or narcissistic men