Ep. 31: How to Create a Conscious Power Couple Partnership w/ Ani Manian

Hey babes!

Coming in hot this week to talk about what a conscious power partnership ACTUALLY means and how to create it. No buzzwords or vagueness here; we’re giving you a roadmap you can use to create this for yourself RIGHT NOW!

One thing you can bet on with a conscious partnership is that it’s going to bring everything to the surface...The purpose of this kind of relationship is to shine light on the aspects of you (and your partner) that have been sitting in the shadows, so they can be loved on and integrated. Thus, a conscious partnership doesn’t necessarily mean you never have conflict or challenge. In fact, this kind of connection will call you forth to your highest potential, which can sometimes feel challenging. 

This episode is packed full of tools and examples that will help you transform the way you handle conflict and challenging situations. You’ll have the perspective you need to begin to shift the way you show up in your relationships. 

What you’ll learn from this episode:

  • What a conscious partnership IS and IS NOT: we debunk the myths about it being “sunshine and rainbows” all the time

  • How to intentionally navigate challenging situations in order to create more intimacy 

  • How to recognize, create intimacy with, and resolve your triggers

  • Powerful practices Ani and I use to stay connected, even when conflict arises

A roadmap for creating your very own conscious partnership, even if you’re single!

>>> FREE Mini Workshop for successful single women who are ready to start attracting committed masculine men: http://alignedattraction.com/workshop <<<

To learn more about Lee Noto & her work:

Website: https://leenoto.com

Facebook: Lee Noto Coach

Instagram: @LeeNoto_

LinkedIn: Lee Noto

YouTube: Lee Noto


Ep. 32: The Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Finding Love w/ Ani Manian


Ep. 30: From Relationship Smackdown to Power Couple Partners w/ Ani Manian