Ep. 29: The Story of How We Met w/ Ani Manian

Hey there! 

The next four episodes are going to be extra special because my amazing partner, Ani, will be joining me to talk about all things relationships, intimacy, sexuality & more!

To kick things off, we are going to tell you the story of how we met and how I knew, on that day, that he was the man I had been asking for.... 

This isn’t just any love story...we’ve gone through a MASSIVE transformation full of ups and downs, in order to create the deep and powerful love we have now and we use that journey + decades of studying, learning & coaching to support others in creating a power couple partnership of their very own!

What you’ll learn in this episode:

  • The super cute story and wildly synchronistic of how we met ;)

  • How we worked through some of our major roadblocks (more to come in future episodes)

  • How we took challenging moments and turned them into catalysts for our growth

  • The metamorphosis of our sex life 

  • How I knew Ani was the man I had been asking the Universe for! 

>>> FREE Mini Workshop for successful single women who are ready to start attracting committed masculine men: http://alignedattraction.com/workshop


To learn more about Lee Noto & her work:

Website: https://leenoto.com

Facebook: Lee Noto Coach

Instagram: @LeeNoto_

LinkedIn: Lee Noto

YouTube: Lee Noto


Ep. 30: From Relationship Smackdown to Power Couple Partners w/ Ani Manian


Ep. 28: Let's Talk About Sex...and What Actually Makes It Great