Ep. 14: Needs and Boundaries Q&A

Hey babe! I’m sure you’ll notice today’s episode is a little different because it’s a live episode! I recorded an Instagram Live where I dove into all things needs and boundaries and how to communicate them. 

I answer questions from women in my audience including how to set boundaries with partners, friends and even your mother in law who doesn’t ever seem to listen. I walk you through some real life examples and conversations you can use today to create stronger, clearer boundaries. Don’t mind the technical difficulties in the middle--just keepin’ it real ;)

>>> FREE Mini Workshop for successful single women who are ready to start attracting committed masculine men: http://alignedattraction.com/workshop <<<

To learn more about Lee Noto & her work:

Website: https://leenoto.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeeNotoCoach/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leenoto_/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lee-noto-884959a/

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3bPGFvc


Ep. 15: Cultivating & Integrating Masculine & Feminine Energy


Ep. 13: Boundaries