How to Have a Romantic Video Date

Lee was featured in this article on Basenotes all about how to have a romantic video date!

You can visit the article here

Here’s an excerpt:

Video dating tip number one: embrace what is

With all its technological and geography-defying brilliance, a date on the computer can be downright weird. The cues we glean from knees touching or leaning forward are reduced to a flat grid—but that’s okay. If you’re feeling awkward, call it out, advises Lee Noto, an intimacy and self-expression coach. Consider saying, “I’m feeling nervous,” or, “This is a new way of communicating for me and here’s what’s coming up.” This honesty brings the present into focus and encourages intimacy. “When we let someone into our real-time experience,” Noto explains, “it allows the person to really be with us.”


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